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Portals are the basis of Ingress. You use them to establish Links and Fields.
Links and Fields are used to control territory.


Hacking portals yields supplies in the form of:

* Resonators
* Shields
* Portal Keys
* Power Cubes
* More ....

You gain AP by hacking enemy portals. See Action Points

Cool Down

After you hack a portal it goes into Cool Down mode.
The portal remains in cool down mode for 300 sec (5 min.)
This cool down period is per player, so if you have a partner they can hack the same portal while it is in cool down mode for you.


Sometimes you are in such a rush to farm supplies that you hack the same portal too many times and Burn Out a portal. This happens if you hack the same portal 4 times in a 4 hour cycle.
Its unclear if the 4 hour cycle is based on the first time you hack the portal or if its just a 4 hour cycle starting at midnight.


Portal Range (used to link portals) is determined by the amount of energy provided by the resonators. The simple formula to calculate portal link range is:

160 * ResonatorLevelAverage^4

Or you can use this calculator to figure out the portal range.