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Quick -N- Dirty

  1. Make sure your CA has the "Code Signing" template installed

Create a Code Signing Cert

  1. Run MMC.exe add the "Certificates" snap-in and choose "My user account"
  2. Right click "Personal", click "All Tasks", click "Request New Certificate..."
  3. Next, Next, select "Code Signing" and click "Enroll", "Finished"


1. Open PowerShell (run as Administrator)
2. Run:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

3. Answer yes to the prompt
4. Close PowerShell
5. Open PowerShell (Not as Administrator) 6. Run:

Set-AuthenticodeSignature <Full-Path-To-Your-Script> @(Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My -codesigning)[0]

Note: Only change <Full-Path-To-Your-Script>, leave cert:\CurrentUser\My alone!

Your script should now be signed.
