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How to customize the partition sized during OpenBSD installation to give /var more space.

Edit Auto Configured Disk Layout

At install time you can choose (A) for auto-layout. This creates a lot more partitions than other distributions. Often times it gives more space to /home than I'd like especially if the installation is going to be a server. </br> Fortunately you can (E) edit the auto-layout. When you press (E) you get dropped to a fdisk like command prompt. </br> Here are some helpful commands"

?     Help
a     Add partition
d     Delete partition
p     Print partition table
z     Delete all partitions

The default partition layout looks like this:

a: /
b: swap
c: reserved/unused
d: /tmp
e: /var
f: /usr
g: /usr/X11R6
h: /usr/local
i: /usr/src
j: /usr/obj
k: /home

On servers that won't host many users I prefer to make /var the last partition so I can have it use 100% of the remaining space. You can do this by specifying 100& for the partition size.
