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DSpam has several ways for its users to perform training tasks, the WebUI is one of them. The WebUI has several components, Performance, Preferences, Quarantine, History, Etc... This article will explain how to install the DSpam WebUI (which for many is the hardest part if the DSpam installation)


1. DSpam is installed and working properly.
If you followed the installation steps in DSpam General then you should be in good shape
2. Apache web server is installed and working properly.
3. Suexec has been installed.
4. A dspam user and group have been created.
5. For the pretty graphs to work in the WebUI you need the following GD libraries:


Note: suexec doesn't like to work with user accounts with UID's below 500 (verify this because it can be different for each disro)


Installing the WebUI isn't anything more than copying a few files and directories.

1. Obtain dspam source.

tar -xvzf dspam-3.X.X.tar.gz
cd dspam-3.X.X

2. Create a directory for the WebUI (/var/www/ is a good place for RedHat distros) create this directory near the apache 'documentroot' directory which can be found by searching httpd.conf

mkdir -p /var/www/dspam

3. Copy the contents of webui/cgi-bin/ to the new dspam WebUI directory

cp -R webui/cgi-bin/* /var/www/dspam
cp -R webui/htdocs/* /var/www/dspam

4. Set permissions and ownership of the new dspam/ directory

chmod 755 /var/www/dspam
chown -R dspam.dspam /var/www/dspam

5. Edit the WebUI configuration file

vim /var/www/dspam/

Most of the settings in are fine as they are. Only a few changes need to be made. (This greatly depends on how complex you make your install, using the default paths make life a little easier)

Change this line:

$CONFIG{'LOCAL_DOMAIN'} = "domain.tld";



6. Define the DSpam Admins

vim /var/www/dspam/admins

Add the email account username of anyone whom you would like to grant Admin access in the WebUI

Example: (Assumes email account usernames = full email address)

[email protected]
[email protected]

Apache Configuration

This is one of many ways to tackle the WebUI with Apache. There may be better ways of doing this, but this is the one I am most familiar with and as such will be the only method I describe. The steps that follow are generally focused around RedHat Distros, Ubuntu uses a very different method of managing Apache configurations, but ultimately the configuration files should be very similar.

This method uses 'Virtual Hosts' to implement the DSpam WebUI.

1. Verify that the 'SUEXEC' plug-in is installed and configured within apache.

grep -i 'suexec' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

If 'SUEXEC' is installed and configured then you will see a line similar to this:

LoadModule suexec_module modules/

If 'SUEXEC' is not installed then you will need to seek out an installation package for SUEXEC or Compile it yourself. (Sorry installing Apache modules is beyond the scope of this article)

2. Verify that your preferred Authentication module is installed.
In this case mod_auth_mysql will be used. Other Auth Modules also exist such as mod_authz_ldap, mod_auth_basic, and mod_auth_imap

ls /etc/httpd/modules/mod_auth_mysql.*

If mod_auth_mysql is available then you will get something like this:


If this file doesn't exist then you need to figure out how to install mod_auth_mysql. (Again beyond the scope of this article)

3. Create a vhost file for the DSpam WebUI

vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/dspam.conf

It should contain something like this:

 ### Virtual Host ###
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         RewriteEngine on
         RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^dspam\.YourDomain\.com
         RewriteRule ^/$ [R,L]
 ### SSL Virtual Host ###
 <VirtualHost *:443>
         DocumentRoot /var/www/dspam/
         Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks
         DirectoryIndex dspam.cgi
         SSLEngine on
         SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt
         SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.key
         SuexecUserGroup dspam dspam 
         <Directory "/var/www/dspam/">
                 AllowOverride none
                 Options +ExecCGI -Indexes
                 AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl
                 DirectoryIndex dspam.cgi
                 Order deny,allow
                 AuthName "DSpam Web Access"
                 AuthType Basic
                 AuthMySQLEnable On
                 AuthMySQLSocket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
                 AuthMySQLHost localhost
                 AuthMySQLDB postfix
                 AuthMySQLUser postfix
                 AuthMySQLPassword SomePassword
                 AuthMySQLUserTable mailbox
                 AuthMySQLNameField username
                 AuthMySQLPasswordField password
                 AuthMySQLPwEncryption crypt
                 Require valid-user

The above AuthMySQL settings look to a different MySQL Database. They look at the 'postfix' database and use the necessary credentials to connect to it. The reason it looks to the 'postfix' database is because the Authentication needs a username and password, the postfix database already contains a table that stores the username and password for the users email account, so there is no need to keep duplicate data in the dspam database.

Reference: for more info on setting up mod_auth_mysql see:

Also keep in mind that the above vhost file requires SSL. For info on creating your own Self Signed SSL Certificates see: Category:OpenSSL

4. Restart Apache (in RH/Fedora)

service httpd restart

or in Debian/Ubuntu

invoke-rc.d apache2 restart

5. Try it out. Point your favorite web browser to:
You should be prompted for a 'Username' and 'Password'
If all goes well you should fee the DSpam WebUI.


To see data in the graphs you first need history and stats (meaning that you need to have had mail come in and be processed by dspam). If messages have been processed by DSpam and you are still unable to see them in the 'History' and Graphs then check the file permissions in /usr/local/var/dspam/ and all its sub-directories. The files and directories should be read/writable by the 'dspam' user. See DSpam File Permissions for details.

If your user preferences don't seem to work make sure to set the 'Default Preferences' from within the 'Administrative Suite' -> 'Administration'. You can also check to see if the preferences-extension was compiled in by running:

dspam --version

You should see:


You can also check via MySQL.

mysql -u root -p dspam
mysql> SELECT * FROM dspam_preferences;

If no results are returned then you need to set the default preferences as described above. There is also a default.prefs file in /var/www/dspam/ that contains the default preferences. If preferences exist within MySQL then they override the default.prefs file.

Enhancements / Patches