Linux Commands that I rarely use and often forget.
Print Working Directory (pwd)
pwd = (Print Working Directory) Displays the current directory you're in.
Network Map (nmap)
nmap = (Network Map) Utility that displays open network ports.
Basic usage: nmap
String Filter (grep)
grep = Hard to explain, Filtering utility.
Basic usage: grep 'FilterString' filename
Usefull grep options:
-i 'FilterString' = case insensitive -b # = Display # number of lines BEFORE a match -a # = Display # number of lines AFTER a match -v = Invert Match or Exclusion 'FilterString1\|FilterString2\|FilterString3' = Multiple Filters
Remove Comments from files
grep -v '#' FileName1 > FileName2
Remove Whitespace from files
grep -v "^$" FileName1 > FileName2
Remove Comments and Whitespace
grep -v '#\|^$' FileName > FileName2
List File/Directory Size
du = List the size of a file or Directory
Basic usage: du -hs <file or dir>
Usefull du options:
-h = human readable -s = summarize (Display only total for each arguement)
File Comptession (tar)
Basic usage
to create a tar archive:
tar -pcvzf filename.tgz directory1/ directory2/
to extract an archive
tar -xvzf filename.tgz -C destination_directory/
Usefull tar options:
-x = extract -c = create -v = verbose (displays whats being archived or extracted on screen) -j = use BZip format (.tar.bz2) -z = use GZip format (.tar.gz or .tgz) -p = Preserve file permissions -f = File -M = Multi-Volume -L = Tape Length (or --tape-length=) accepts values in Kb. Size = value x 1024
Span Multiple Files Example This will create multiple files 100MB in size (100 x 1024 = 102400)
tar -c -M -L=102400 --file=filename.part1.tar
When the first part is complete you will be presented a prompt like this:
Prepare Volume #2 for 'filename.part1.tar' and hit return:
To tell Tar that we want to continue with a new file we enter this:
n filename.part2.tar
Now you will be presented this prompt:
Prepare Volume #2 for 'filename.part2.tar' and hit return:
Notice the filename was accepted filename.part2.tar'. Now just press return
To Extract spanned tar files do this:
tar -x -M --file=filename.part1.tar largefile.that.was.split.iso
You will be prompted with this:
Prepare volume #2 for filename.part1.tar and hit return: n filename.part2.tar
Prepare volume #2 for filename.part2.tar and hit return: Now Press Retuen. Thats it.
Symbolic Links (symlinks)
ln -s path/to/target linkname
or if the linkname is going to be the same as the source filename then
ln -s path/to/target
This would create a symlink named target that would point to path/to/target ( target -> path/to/target )
Note: This also works for directories.
Find all conf files on your system
find / -iname "*.conf"
Find files who haven't been modified in 1 year
find / -type f -mtime +356 -print0
-mtime = modified time -print0 = needed to display files containing white space -type f = files (not directories)
Find old files who haven't been modified in the past 2 years and display their total disk usage
find / -type f -mtime 730 -print0 | du --files0-from=- -hc | tail -n1
Turn off Linux Case Sensitivity
shopt -u nocasematch
shopt -s nocasematch
List Files/Directories by access time (atime)
ls -l --time=atime
Create Disk Image
Create an image from a USB drive (at /dev/sdb)
dd if=/dev/sdb of=~/disk.img bs=512
Create a compressed image from a USB drive (truncating unused space on the USB)
dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip > ~/disk.img.gz
More to come...