From LedHed's Wiki
Linux Commands that I rarely use and often forget.
pwd = (Print Working Directory) Displays the current directory you're in.
nmap = (Network Map) Utility that displays open network ports.
Basic usage: nmap
grep = Hard to explain, Filtering utility.
Basic usage: grep 'FilterString' filename
Usefull grep options:
-i 'FilterString' = case insensitive -b # = Display # number of lines BEFORE a match -a # = Display # number of lines AFTER a match -v = Invert Match or Exclusion 'FilterString1'\|'FilterString2'\|'FilterString3' = Multiple Filters
du = List the size of a file or Directory
Basic usage: du -hs <file or dir>
Usefull du options:
-h = human readable -s = summarize (Display only total for each arguement)
More to come...