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    <allpages gapcontinue="Rejoin_Domain_without_Reboot" />
      <page pageid="1755" ns="0" title="Reboot Windows Server from the Command Line">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Sometimes you need to reboot a server from the command line.
It used to be a simple process, but with 2008 on there are a few extra command line switches that need to be passed.&lt;br&gt;

 shutdown /r /c &quot;Rebooting in 60 sec!&quot; /t 60 /d P:0:0

This will shutdown the local server with a 60 sec delay.&lt;br&gt;

To reboot a remote computer add the following switch: &lt;br&gt;
 /m \\computername

'''''Note:''' the /d P:0:0 there are many possible reasons. &lt;br&gt;''
 Reasons on this computer:
 (E = Expected U = Unexpected P = planned, C = customer defined)
 Type    Major   Minor   Title
  U      0       0       Other (Unplanned)
 E       0       0       Other (Unplanned)
 E P     0       0       Other (Planned)
  U      0       5       Other Failure: System Unresponsive
 E       1       1       Hardware: Maintenance (Unplanned)
 E P     1       1       Hardware: Maintenance (Planned)
 E       1       2       Hardware: Installation (Unplanned)
 E P     1       2       Hardware: Installation (Planned)
   P     2       3       Operating System: Upgrade (Planned)
 E       2       4       Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned)
 E P     2       4       Operating System: Reconfiguration (Planned)
   P     2       16      Operating System: Service pack (Planned)
         2       17      Operating System: Hot fix (Unplanned)
   P     2       17      Operating System: Hot fix (Planned)
         2       18      Operating System: Security fix (Unplanned)
   P     2       18      Operating System: Security fix (Planned)
 E       4       1       Application: Maintenance (Unplanned)
 E P     4       1       Application: Maintenance (Planned)
 E P     4       2       Application: Installation (Planned)
 E       4       5       Application: Unresponsive
 E       4       6       Application: Unstable
  U      5       15      System Failure: Stop error
 E       5       19      Security issue
  U      5       19      Security issue
 E P     5       19      Security issue
 E       5       20      Loss of network connectivity (Unplanned)
 U      6       11      Power Failure: Cord Unplugged
 U      6       12      Power Failure: Environment
  P     7       0       Legacy API shutdown

== References ==

      <page pageid="2094" ns="0" title="Regex Examples">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">== Overview ==
Here are some common examples of Regex used for form validation.

== Phone Numbers ==

== Email Addresses ==

== IP Address Validation ==
=== IPv4 Address ===

=== IPv4 Subnet in CIDR Notation ===

== References ==
